Be Merry!
We are incredibly busy here at Furniture From The Barn… All of our Christmas orders are being shipped out this week and we have our company holiday party this Thursday..
Woosshh so much going on!
Putting all the craziness aside there’s one pastime dedicated to this time of year that everybody here at FFTB “makes time” for— watching Christmas movies! There’s nothing like finishing up chores as the day is dwindling to a close, heading inside, and warming up near the woodstove in front of the television while being serenaded by Bing Crosby and George Clooney’s aunt (know which movie I’m talking about?!?)
Here is some of our crew and their favorite flicks —
Pictured above is our shop artisan (elf) Patty and pictured to the right is our wonderful administrative assistant Eleanor and husband– Both these lovely ladies enjoy “Its A Wonderful Life”
Pictured below on the left is Paul… (just kidding, he’s to the right… and not the dog) but getting back on track, Paul our wonderful shop/delivery/plays with Lila all day guy likes “A Christmas Story”
Pictured above to the left is Caitlyn (me), the everything stewardess and aspiring entrepreneur, loves all Christmas movies but favors Irving Berlin’s “A White Christmas”
Pictured above is power couple and parents of FFTB Michael & Kelly–
Mike didn’t necessarily pick “The Christmas Card” as his favorite but he watches it at least 4 times a week… we don’t understand either
And mother hen Kelly Kelly loves to watch the true Christmas story “The Nativity”
We hope we inspired you to go watch a Christmas movie tonight and be merry! From all of us here at Furniture From The Barn Merry Christmas and remember the reason for the season